
84 lines
3.9 KiB

import gradio as gr
from scrape_amazon import AmazonScraper, AIInterface
import re
llms = ['meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf', "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
"mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1", "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
scraper = AmazonScraper()
aii = AIInterface()
def replace_img_tag(url, html_text, img_dict):
# Regular expression pattern to find <img> tags
img_tag_pattern = r'<img src="(.*?)">'
# Function to replace <img> tag
def replacer(match, url=url):
img_url =
srcset = ', '.join(f'{url} {w}w' for url, (w, h) in img_dict.items())
replacement = f'''<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<a href="{url}"><img src="{img_url}" srcset="{srcset}" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" alt="Image from"></a>
<figcaption style="text-align: center;">Image from</figcaption>
return replacement
# Use re.sub() to replace <img> tags
new_html_text = re.sub(img_tag_pattern, replacer, html_text)
return new_html_text
def upload_to_wordpress(html_content):
print("upload_to_wordpress() is called\n")
def write_article(url):
# Your logic to fetch HTML content from the URL
# Replace this with your actual implementation
text = scraper.get_product_info_and_reviews(url)
image = list(scraper.images)[0]
# prompt_for_ai = ("Write a summary of the following product and an overview of people's experiences based on the "
# "provided reviews of it as follows. Format it nicely and professionally in HTML:\n\n") + text
# prompt_for_ai = "write a succinct summary article about this product. Format it nicely in HTML:\n\n" + text
prompt_for_ai = ("write an article containing a short summary of the following product and an overview of people's "
"experiences based on the provided reviews of it as follows. Format it nicely in HTML:\n") + text
# prompt_for_ai = (f"Write an HTML code that includes a professionally authored article summary of the following "
# f"product and an overview of people's experiences based on the provided reviews of it as "
# f"follows. Underneath the title add this tag <p class=\"has-small-font-size\">This page includes "
# f"paid Amazon affiliate links</p> and Include a link to the product {url} at the very end. Also "
# f"include this image {image} after the second paragraph. Format it nicely and professionally in "
# f"HTML. :\n\n") + text
html_content = aii.ask_ai(prompt_for_ai, model=llms[2])
prompt_for_ai = (f"Take the following HTML code and slightly modify it. Underneath the title add this tag '<p "
f"class=\"has-small-font-size\">This page includes paid Amazon affiliate links</p>'. Include a "
f"link {url} to the product at the end. Also include this image {image} after the first or "
f"second paragraph. Return a nice and professional HTML code:\n") + html_content
html_content = aii.ask_ai(prompt_for_ai, model=llms[2])
html_content = replace_img_tag(url, html_content, scraper.images)
return html_content
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("Start typing below and then click **Run** to see the output.")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Amazon link:")
btn_write_article = gr.Button("Write Article")
btn_upload_to_wordpress = gr.Button("Upload To Wordpress")
with gr.Column():
html_output = gr.HTML(), inputs=[inp], outputs=html_output), inputs=[html_output])
demo.launch(server_port=7373, share=True)