import gradio as gr from scrape_amazon import AmazonScraper, AIInterface llms = ['meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf', "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "togethercomputer/LLaMA-2-7B-32K"] scraper = AmazonScraper() aii = AIInterface() def write_article(url, ai_prompt): # Your logic to fetch HTML content from the URL # Replace this with your actual implementation text = scraper.get_product_info_and_reviews(url) images = list(scraper.images)[0] prompt_for_ai = "Write a summary of the following product and an overview of people's experiences based on the provided reviews of it as follows. Format it nicely and professionally in HTML:\n\n" + text # prompt_for_ai = f"Write a summary of the following product and an overview of people's experiences based on the provided reviews of it as follows. Format it nicely and professionally in HTML. The title of this product should links to {url}. Also include this image {images} after the first or second paragraph as a link to {url} and
Image from
:\n\n" + text ai_response = aii.ask_ai(prompt_for_ai, model=llms[1]) print(ai_response) html_content = ai_response prompt_for_ai = f"Take the following HTML code and slightly modify it by converting the names of this product to links to {url}. Also include this image {images} after the first or second paragraph as a link to {url} and caption it with
Image from
. Return a nice and professional HTML code:\n" + ai_response html_content = aii.ask_ai(prompt_for_ai, model=llms[1]) print(html_content) return html_content # Define the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=write_article, inputs=["text", gr.components.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Enter AI prompt here...", label="AI Prompt:")], # Text input for the URL outputs="html", # Display HTML content title="URL to HTML Converter", description="Enter a URL to get its HTML content." ) # Launch the Gradio app iface.launch(server_port=7373, share=True)